Via Cantore, 47 - 33100 Udine (Italy)
email: info@tessitori.org
![]() The many documents conserved at the «Vincenzo Joppi» Municipal Library in Udine and at the residence of Tessitori’s nephew at Reana del Rojale bear eloquent witness to the activities of the Italian Indological scholar. |
Section I![]() This section contains the documents from Tessitori’s period in Florence (1909-13). It is largely made up of notes, transcriptions of manuscripts, diplomas and certificates. Of especial interest is a Memoria written in 1913 for the public competition for the chair of Hindustani at the Regio Istituto Orientale in Naples, which includes a description of Tessitori’s studies and publications. The section contains the following documents: Trascrizione da «Uber die Indische Sekte der Jaina» di Georg Bühler, Wien 1887 (AP I/1); Mañgalakalaśakathā (AP I/2); Das Ramayana geschlichte und Inhalt nebst Concordanz der gedruckten Recensionen von Hermann Jacobi, Bonn 1893 (AP I/3); Tulasī Dāsa, Poet and Religious Reformer di Sir George Grierson (AP I/4); Old Gujarātī Grammar (AP I/5/1-2); Elenco dei mss. giaina dell’India Office (AP I/6); Maṇicuḍīnīkathā (AP I/7); Manoscritti fiorentini (AP I/8); Estratti da manoscritti inediti 1911-1913 (AP I/9); Upadesamālābālāvabodha di Somasundarasūri (AP I/10); Gotamkula (AP I/11); Appunti di studi giainici (AP I/12); Pañcākhyāna (AP I/13); Miscellanea (AP I/14); Śilopadeśamāla (AP I/15/1-2); Kūrmāputrakathānakaṃ di Jinamāṇikyaḥ (AP I/16/1-3); Memoria del dott. L. P. Tessitori per il concorso alla cattedra di Indostano presso il Regio Istituto Orientale di Napoli (AP I/17); Gorakṣnātha e Matsyendranātha (AP I/18); Indice alla Deśīnāmamālā di Hemacandra (AP I/19); Libretto delle poste con fotografia (AP I/20); Nomina Socio Accademia di Udine (AP I/21); Certificato del Regio Liceo «Umberto I» di Napoli (AP I/22); Application India Office (AP I/23); Saṭṭhisayayaṃ di Nemicandra (AP I/24); Pajjant’ārāhaṇaṃ di Somasundarasūri (AP I/25); Miscellanea (AP I/26); True copy of the speech delivered by Dr. Hermann Jacobi at Ladnun on 9-3-14 (AP I/27); Ādināthadeśanoddhāraḥ (AP I/28). |